Friday, November 28, 2008
Dear Murry,Diane and Family, Our heartfelt condolences to you all . The loss of your Mother and Grandmother will be difficult indeed and our thoughts and prayers will be with you . Although we never had the privilege of meeting Etta it is clear to see from her photo that she was a strong and wise woman! The matriarch of your family perhaps! How blessed this earthly home has been to cherish her for 101 years! And now, in her heavenly home a new life shall begin for her . How blessed all the angels will be to have her by their side. Then she will hear those mighty words from God... "Well done , my good and faithful servant" Yes, well done . What a witness her life has been to others . We know she will be greatly missed by all who knew her . God Bless You all as you journey the difficult days ahead . May you find complete peace in your hearts just as your beloved Etta has found right now. Most lovingly, Trisha and Gary