Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Our deepest sympathies to Garnet's family, especially his son and closest friend, David. Garnet will be remembered in our house, often and well. In all the years we knew him, he never lost his spirit, regardless of his own bumps and bruises. Nor did he lose his ability to tell a great story - we covered many topics together, including his experiences in the war, building the Ivy Lea bridge, local politics, family and most importantly, hockey! He took great care of us, as well as our dogs (spoiling them both, even the grumpy one). It has actually been extraordinary to hear the reaction to his passing from our "circle" of family and friends... virtually everyone we knew had met Garnet at some point and all were saddened by the news. We're grateful to have had him in our lives and will remember him always.
Larry, Paula, David & Sheridan (Jackal & Tiger Lily) xox